Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome Post

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Woo hoo! First blog post! I wanted to get an introductory post out of the way (because I hate writing them oh so much) before I get to reviewing etc.

This is going to be a blog for talking about my love of books. I read mostly Young Adult fiction even though, technically, I'm no longer considered "Young Adult." Oh well. I find YA books have a stigma attached to them. Too many people stay away from them just because they're not "literary masterpieces." And once you get into adult fiction, reviewing tends to be a little...constipated BS. Just trying to look smart. Whereas YA is exciting and fills you with the passionate emotion that comes from being a young adult. Often when I finish a book I love my reaction will just be "OMG OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH!" So yeah, I'm more YA at heart and that's what I gravitate towards and love love talking about the books I read, hence the blog.

I look forward to blogging with you all!
